VCF Creator

Generate vCard file from CSV


Create a Google Form for collecting the contacts  


Share the Google form with friends or colleagues


Export the spreadsheet as .csv file                           


Upload the CSV file to the website                           

Generate VCard

A vCard is the standard file format for electronic business cards and is used to import and export Contacts. vCard files are recognized by the .vcf file extension.

NOTE: Default android browser may not work. Please use Chrome or Mozilla browser on Android.


  1. Create a Google Form with the Contact Information Template.
  2. Add the following fields to form (Field names should be exactly the same):
    1. Name
    2. Phone
    3. Email
    4. Organisation
    5. Address
    6. Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
  3. Go to responses tab and click on the Spreadsheet Icon to view responses in Sheets.
  4. Make sure that a person can fill the form only once. This can be enabled in form options.
  5. Collect all the responses.
  6. Export the Spreadsheet as CSV file.
  7. Make sure that the headers are same as the sample file.
  8. Upload the CSV file to this website and download vCard.
  9. Import the contacts on Google Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions